Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg | Children, Young People and Education Committee

Hynt y gwaith gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth ddatblygu Cwricwlwm newydd Cymru | Welsh Government's progress in developing the new Curriculum for Wales

CR 01

Ymateb gan: Sefydliad Materion Cymreig 
Response from: Institute of Welsh Affairs



1.            About the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

We are the Institute of Welsh Affairs, Wales’ leading think tank. We challenge, inspire and drive change, making Wales a better place to live and work for everyone.


We are independent of government and political parties. We bring together experience and expertise from all backgrounds to collaborate on the most important issues facing Wales.


We come up with ambitious but practical and informed ideas to improve the economy, education, governance, health and social care and the media. Our vision is to create a Wales where everyone can thrive.


2.             About our Curriculum reform in Wales project


2.1.             Background


In order to deliver the vision of Successful Futures, content is presently being developed by various groups. In these initial stages, the development work happening at present is largely through the education community.


Looking ahead, we believe there is a clear opportunity and rationale to engage with institutions beyond schools to identify steps that ensure the roll-out of a new curriculum is well integrated with other areas of policy and to encourage a seamless pathway for learners as they progress from compulsory education.


This is why we have developed the Curriculum reform in Wales project which focuses on four key communities: further education, higher education, skills and business communities.


This project will make practical, evidence-based suggestions on how to ensure curriculum reform is engaged with and informed by the people and places students often go on to after school.


2.2.            Project aims


The aim of this project is to identify practical steps to ensure the implementation of curriculum reform in Wales is integrated with and supported by the further education, higher education, skills and business communities.


From this project we hope to be able to:


     better understand and map out the current work that is taking place with these communities with regards to the development of curriculum reform

     gather perspective from these communities on how they think curriculum reform is progressing

     uncover lessons from Scotland’s curriculum reform from similar communities

     share findings to support effective engagement of further education, higher education, skills and business communities with the implementation of the new curriculum.


2.3.            Project timescale


This is initially a six month project, and we will publish our findings in early 2019. We will share our findings with the Committee to support your ongoing scrutiny of the development of the new Curriculum.